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Friday, November 23, 2012

My Worst Concert Experience

One show I will always remember…but not for good reasons

My ex-boyfriend and I would always fight before shows. He never wanted to wait in line ahead of time and I am the type of person that likes to give myself plenty of time to insure I get a good spot.
The beginning
We had a long drive down to Atlantic City to see Papa Roach (not a heavy metal band, but a band I am very fond of). They are more of a hard rock band. After arguing on the way there, we waited in line for at least four hours. After such a long wait, my adrenaline was going crazy because I was so excited to finally see this band. There were a few opening bands, which took another few hours to get through.
One opening band was Skillet, I band I had never heard of before. I turned out to think they were completely awesome – minus the fact that the fat girls to our side and in front of us went absolutely crazy for them, screamed their lyrics louder than they sang them, and the one girl flipped her hair into my face the entire time. I even got an arm in my face at one point. My temper was raging and I had had enough at this point.
Papa Roach enters the stage
Finally after a two hour drive, lots of arguing, a four hour wait, three opening bands, and being surrounded by annoying fans, Papa Roach had FINALLY come on stage. I was so excited I couldn’t contain myself. Everyone started jumping and the first song was absolutely amazing. In the third song, Jacoby jumped into the audience and I got to touch him. Life seemed perfect and that everything I dealt with earlier in the day was worth it...

Well, I think it was the third or fourth song in, someone pushed me really hard into the guard rail and my boyfriend at the time turned around to see who pushed me and he got punched in the face. A brawl started between my ex and some random guys. It all happened so fast – the bouncers jumped on top of them and dragged them out of the crowd.
I was left alone. I was a complete wreck. My boyfriend had my phone in his pocket so I had no way to get in touch with him to find out where they took him. I was crying by this point because I had no clue how I was going to find him. I got myself out of the crowd and went around asking people if they saw anything.
Ill never forget this young boy – he had to be 13 years old. He saw me crying and I asked him if I could use his cell phone. He was the sweetest little kid. Him and his dad let me use their phone. Of course my boyfriend didn’t pick up, so I was still not sure what to do. Thankfully the little boy saw where they went and pointed me in the right direction.
I exited the venue
I finally found my boyfriend and the cops were there dealing with everything. It was obvious that the other two guys started the fight for no reason, and my boyfriend didn’t even throw a punch – he was too busy shielding his face and holding his glasses. The bouncers were going to let us back into the show because they knew my boyfriend hadn't done anything wrong; however, the girl who was with the two guys decided to say “no, but he hit me in the face.” You can only imagine the anger boiling inside of me...
So basically we were kicked out of the venue, for something we didn’t even do, and I waited hours and hours and dealt with so much crap, for absolutely nothing. It was definitely the worst concert experience of my life.

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