Follow me while I exploit myths about heavy metal music and its listeners, discuss new bands, break-down lyrics,

rate albums, write concert reviews, discuss personal connections to songs, and explain why metal is more than

just “screaming”.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Benefits of Listening to Heavy Metal

Why to tune in and not tune out

People have questioned me over the years and asked why it is that I love heavy metal so much. My mom asked me the other day “why do you enjoy listening to screaming, wouldn’t you like to be able to understand what they are singing?” Truth be told, if you are a metal fan, you DO know the lyrics and CAN understand what the band is singing. Us metal fans already know the lyrics so we find it easy to understand. Learning a new song can be tricky though; you should definitely look up the lyrics to get familiar with the song. Trying to learn new songs without the lyrics in front of you can be equally as challenging for a non-metal listener and metal listener.
I believe there are three obvious benefits of listening to heavy metal:
1)   It helps you get your anger out
Over the years, and still today, when I am really angry or frustrated I put my IPod on full blast and within 20 minutes or so I feel instantly better. Whenever I am at the point where I feel like I am going to punch a wall, I always put my music on. Sometimes it will take 10-20 minutes and sometimes it takes an hour; but one thing is for sure: it ALWAYS calms me down and helps me forget why I was even angry in the first place.
2)   It’s great workout music
I struggle with finding motivation to get myself to the gym to workout. A few months ago, when I was dedicated and went to the gym a few times a week, metal really helped me work out. The loud screaming and fast beats pump me up and get my legs moving faster than if I was listening to something mellow.
3)   It is easy to connect to
The biggest criticism about heavy metal is that it is just screaming. But have you actually sat down and wondered why it is that person is screaming? They have experienced pain, heartbreak, and terrible situations in their lives that mostly everyone can relate to. Listening to these artists scream their hearts out really connects you to the lyrics and allows you to understand why it is the artist is screaming.

One unfortunate disadvantage
Unfortunately metal does come with a price – hearing loss. Ever since I was young, I always listened to my IPod as high as it would go. Over the years, I have noticed my hearing deteriorate. My friends joke around with me and call me deaf, because a lot of the times I have to say “what?” three times to hear what one of them is saying. My best friend jokes around the holidays that she is going to buy me a hearing aid.
When I watch television at home, I have the volume turned up to 25-30 (my sister or mom can clearly hear it on 10-15). I do struggle hearing at times, but it is nothing extremely serious that a doctor has noted. My mom always says, “No wonder your deaf, I can hear your music from over here,” when I walk in the house with my IPod blasting. She always tells me to turn down my music because she is my mom and worries about my health.
I will continue to listen to the music I love, at the volume I love, and I am perfectly fine with any consequences I will have to deal with in the future. Hearing loss is one price I am willing to pay as a metal fan.

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