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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Asking Alexandria

My New Discovery and New Obsession

Back in November 2010 I went to see All That Remains and one of their opening bands was Asking Alexandria. I had never heard of them before and had no clue who they were. I honestly don’t think I really paid attention to the band much and never really thought much about it. However, just over the last six months, I have gotten really into the band.
Free Tickets

Over the summer my ex was able to get us free VIP meet and greet passes to meet As I Lay Dying. Also at the show Asking Alexandria was playing as well as Slipknot. I met As I Lay Dying and they were all fantastic guys. I don’t really know much of their music but this day made me want to learn more of their songs.
As I Lay Dying played on stage first followed by Asking Alexandria. I had only just started listening to their music and I only knew one of their songs; however, they sounded fantastic live. After their performance I knew I had just discovered a new favorite band. After Asking Alexandria played, Slipknot came on and played the show of a lifetime.

Over the last couple months I have really been listening to Asking Alexandria and have fallen in love with the band and their music. What amazes me most is the talent in the lead singers singing voice, and also how he can then create those high pitch screams, and extremely low screams. The talent he has is unbelievable.
Upcoming Concert
I am going to see Asking Alexandria a week from tomorrow and I am really excited. They are playing with As I Lay Dying and it is expected to be a great show. I am extremely excited to finally see these bands again now that I know their music.
I will post pictures and rate the concert after I attend.

To my readers:
·         Do any of you listen to Asking Alexandria?
·         Do you prefer their first or second album?
·         What songs are your favorites?

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