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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Concert Necessities

What not to leave home without

When going to a concert, there are certain items you SHOULD NOT leave home without. Let us go through a simple ten-item list and examine why each item is important to have with you during a show. I always have all ten of these items with me when I go to a concert.
1)   A camera
I have never gone to a concert without a camera. I always take tons of pictures and sometimes videos. After the concert, it is really fun to re-live the experience by looking at pictures and videos days, weeks, or years later. A camera will help you capture the great memories of the day. Another helpful hint – don’t only take videos! I made the mistake one time of only taking videos. This was back when I had a crappy camera and not one of the videos came out well. To make a long story short, I had no pictures from the show, and no videos of good quality.
2)   Extra batteries
The worst thing that can happen is for your camera to die when you are front row and about to capture that perfect moment. Make sure you put new batteries in your camera before you leave for the show, and always bring back up batteries in case you go through the ones in the camera.
3)   Cell phone
In case something goes wrong, it is extremely important to have your cell phone on you. Also, make sure you keep your cell phone on YOUR PERSON and don’t let someone else hold onto it. At a previous concert, I had my ex-boyfriend put my phone in his pocket for safety. Then during the show, a fight broke out and he got kicked out. I was unable to find him or find security to determine where they took him. I had no cell phone to call anyone and was left to beg someone to use their cell phone – only to realize I was in too much of a panic to remember my ex’s phone number.
4)   Money
Always have cash! If you want a beer, a snack, or maybe shirts or CDs from the merchandise stand, you will definitely want to have cash on you.
5)   Your I.D.
Some venues are 21 and older and you need your license to get a wrist band that allows you to drink, or go into sections where you can purchase alcohol. Also, some venues are 18 and older and you need to verify your name matches the name on your ticket.
6)   Your ticket
You cannot get into your show without your ticket! One time I was 45 minutes away from my house before I realized I left my tickets at home and I had to go all the way back home…let’s not discuss how that night went.
7)   A purse, small bag, or backpack
It’s hard to keep track of items during a show because of all the pushing, shoving and craziness. I usually put everything in my camera bag. A small backpack or small purse works well too. Make sure you have something secure to keep your items in, but nothing too big that is going to be a burden to you during the show.
8)   A poncho
If your concert is outside and there is no cover, ALWAYS bring a poncho and put it in your purse. I have had the terrible experience of getting caught in torrential downpour at a show and it was absolutely miserable. Plus, you don’t want your electronics to get destroyed if it does start to rain.
9)   An unopened bottle of water
Most venues allow you to bring in water if it is unopened. Believe me, you will do basically anything for water as the night gets later and later. After screaming, singing, jumping and rocking out, you are going to be thirsty. If you leave your spot to buy a drink, you probably wont get that spot back. So bring water with you!
10) Chap stick
My mouth is always dry from singing and screaming at shows. My lips also tend to get chapped because of this, so I find it really essential to have chapstick with me.

Your thoughts
·         What are some items you don’t leave home without before going to shows?
·         Do you agree with my list above?
·         Have I forgotten anything?
Most important necessity
This is not necessarily an item, but I NEVER go to a concert alone. I always make sure I am with a friend; usually a guy – especially since heavy metal shows have a lot of big strong guys in the audience pushing and shoving. I am a tiny girl with no muscle whatsoever, and I like to feel like I have someone to protect me in case something were to happen. Safety comes first!

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