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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Asking Alexandria Concert Review

From excitement to disappointment

I went and saw Asking Alexandria with As I Lay Dying this past Friday night. I was excited for this show for months and was literally counting down the days until Friday finally arrived.

I woke up pretty early on Friday because I had an appointment to get my hair dyed. I have been so excited to dye my hair back to dark colors for a while now – I have been blonde since the beginning of the summer and absolutely hated it. I made my hair appointment for the day of the concert so it would look awesome for the show…if this doesn’t show my excitement, I don’t know what will!

Getting Ready
I went and picked up my friend Dena around 3:30 in the afternoon and we started getting ready. We put together crazy outfits, had a few beers and got extremely pumped up for the show. My friend Alex came over around 5 and we left around 5:30. Here is a picture of us all ready: 

The Venue
When we got to the venue the line was wrapped around the building and they were just beginning to open the doors. It was cold outside and my friends didn’t want to wait in the ridiculous line. Even though I was dying to go in, we got a few drinks at a bar next-door and waited for the line to die down. A few of my other friends met up with us as well and we all headed in together.

The opening bands did not impress me and in my opinion, there were WAY too many. We were bouncing around from the bar back into the crowd for a while. As I Lay Dying came on and played a great show as usual – they are fantastic performers.

Asking Alexandria
My band FINALLY came on and I would not contain myself. The place went wild – the there was so much screaming it was insane. The band came on stage and they played their first song. Everyone seemed a little confused because the person singing was not their lead singer. After the first song, they made an announcement that the lead singer blew out his vocal cord and would not be able to perform – other people would fill in for the night.

Some of the songs were terrible (especially when the sound-check guy sang), but others were pretty good… (depending on who was singing).

Despite everything, I had a fantastic time at the show because I was surrounded with great friends and great music; however, I just wish I could have heard Asking Alexandria in their prime. 

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