Follow me while I exploit myths about heavy metal music and its listeners, discuss new bands, break-down lyrics,

rate albums, write concert reviews, discuss personal connections to songs, and explain why metal is more than

just “screaming”.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Welcome To My Metal World

I will fight for my right to rock on

Have you ever been misunderstood or ridiculed for a hobby or something you enjoy? Welcome to my world. I am a 22-year-old college student, (who could be considered a nerd), and I am a heavy metal fan. 

So it begins…

I love heavy metal, hard rock, and alternative rock – but heavy metal is my favorite. Ever since I was younger, listening to loud music always helped me calm down when I was angry. I dealt with depression, anxiety and anger issues growing up, and listening to the loud screaming and harsh tones always helped me cope with my issues. As I’ve grown up, I have become more and more obsessed with this genre. The lyrics really speak to me and I still find it is extremely calming to listen to. I spend most of my free time going to concerts and dressing up and rocking out.

So what is the issue?

Because my music of choice happens to be heavy metal, most people tend to voice strong and negative opinions about it. Most people don’t like or understand this particular genre. I constantly hear negative comments about the genre and people cannot get past the idea that metal is “just screaming.”

People also have a hard time accepting my hobby because I do not look like a metal fan 24/7. My daily wardrobe normally consists of sweat pants, sweatshirts and anything comfortable. My hair is usually up in a simple pony tail and I rarely wear makeup during the week. I keep it pretty simple.

I have been told 
o    Heavy metal is “just screaming”
o    Girls should not like this genre
o    My makeup, hair and outfits I wear to shows are “weird”
o    I am a poser because I only dress up for concerts and not every day
This list goes on, but I would here for days trying to name all of the negative comments I have heard in the past.
The name of my blog

I named my blog “Turn up the Metal & Turn down the bullshit” because I really feel that in life most things are bullshit – especially all of the feedback I receive from people about the type of music I enjoy. Who cares if a girl likes heavy metal? There are more important things to be worrying about in our world today, than whether or not a girl likes heavy metal. People should stop wasting their time putting people down and find more productive tasks to accomplish.

What you can expect from me as a blogger
1)    I am going to post two to three times a week.
2)    My blog is going to exploit myths about this genre of music, and I am going to defend most of the criticisms I hear on a daily basis.
3)    On a personal level, I will talk about my favorite lyrics, discuss new albums, and review concerts I attend.
4)     I will also include news in the heavy metal world.

What I hope to accomplish

I want to reach out to people who feel they are in the same predicament as me. I am a woman who only wants to be accepted for loving heavy metal, the crazy outfits, and the styles that go along with it. I am done caring about other people’s opinions about it and I have finally embraced who I am and what I love.

Join me while I turn up the metal and turn down the bullshit!

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